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 Nicki was recording her first album, I missed out, because I was working on stuff for Soulja Boy. Safaree hit me when they started working on the new album, but I didnAt have anything for her. So in one month I did about 50 beats, and ARoman ReloadedA was one they ended up keeping. AIAve been in the studio with her a couple of times, but not when she recorded ARoman Reloaded.

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 Find out why Rico Beats is poised for a big 2012 himself Nicki Minaj nude assistant Safaree and I are both from Brooklyn. IAve known him since back in the day, and weAve always had a relationship. We hung out with the same crowd, and we kept in touch when I started making beats.

A Last month, I was in the studio with her in L.A., trying to get some more music on her album. She played me a snippet of  then, but it wasnAt finished yet. Nicki Minaj nude clip heard the finished version, it was crazy. For a dude like me, out of Brooklyn, to work with an artist on her level, itAs crazy. Nicki Minaj nude  a really nice person. A lot of people donAt know that about her. Every time weAre in the same room she shows love. SheAs just really cool.
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